Tag: Republicanism
The Wave Trauma Centre, with financial assistance provided by the Northern Ireland Community Relations Council, commissioned a study and documentary in order to gain a better understanding of the lived experiences of ...
Interfaces 3
Part three of a four part series looking at Interfaces in Belfast. This episode examines the role of ex-combatants in helping to build and maintain peace, particularly at interfaces. Interaction Belfast, Inner E...
An Ghaeilge i nGéibheann? The Irish Language in Prison
This film is subtitled. Sa chlár seo ghlacann Dr Fergal Mac Ionnrachtaigh muid tríd stair speisiúil na Gaeilge. Ón chéad ionradh a rinne na Normannaigh i 1166 go dtí fás na Gaelscolaíocht ó thuaidh inniu. Míníonn F...
And then there was Silence…
Documents the experiences, feelings and needs of people who have been closely affected by the violence of the Troubles, based on in-depth interviews and survey work conducted by the pioneering Cost of the Troubles Stu...
Bhí Mé Ann! Portráid de Eddie Keenan (1921-2009) I was there! A Portrait of Eddie Keenan (1921-2009)
Cuntas ar Eddie Keenan, fear clúiteach i measc pobal na Gaeilge. Insíonn sé scéalta faoina shaol agus na rudaí atá déanta aige. Portráid den phoblachtánach Eddie Keenan (Éamonn Ó Cianáin), fear clúiteach i measc phob...
In Conversation with Dr Ann Matthews
Kellie O Dowd interviews Dr Ann Matthews and discusses the importance of commemoration within republicanism.
A Century Later: Clara Reilly
How the tragic death of a child from a plastic bullet outside her front door in Turf Lodge during the height of the Troubles was the beginning of a campaign to put a stop to further bloodshed. “Plastic Bullets were...
A Century Later: The Working Class – Containing the Past
Class, gender and sectarianism in a society of divided loyalties and years of violence and political conflict. How to remember the past and how can we all strive for a shared future?
A Century Later: Alfie McCrory
Searching for survivors amongst the rubble of one of the worst atrocities of the Troubles in Northern Ireland. “I think people from both sides were sickened at innocent people being killed, people got to the stage ...