
This film was supported by Fernhill House Museum, Ballymacarrett Arts & Cultural Society, Prisoners Aid in East Belfast, An Cultúrlann and Phoenix Drama Society.

An extraordinary day in the life of the Brazilian theatre director, writer and political activist as he is taken on a whirlwind tour sampling Belfast life with all its contradictions, humour and political diatribe … spiced with Augusto’s own story.

Augusto Boal is the founding father of Theatre of the Oppressed, a theatrical form originally used in radical popular education movements. In 1971 he was arrested at the Arena Theatre and imprisoned for working in opposition to the military regime in Brazil. After his release he exiled himself to Argentina where he resided until 1976.  He served served one term as a vereador (the Brazilian equivalent of a city councillor) in Rio de Janeiro from 1993 to 1997, where he developed legislative theatre. His efforts to transform theatre influenced artists and organisations for social change around the world. His techniques are enthusiastically followed by a number of community drama groups in Belfast.

This film also includes  an epilogue …  an exclusive interview with Augusto Boal on the theory of theatre in a community context with Tom Magill. Full transcription of Augusto Boal interview available at