Tag: Spectrum Centre

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Bobby Foster

Highfield to Canada and back

“As a boy, Highfield was a fantastic place to grow up. We passed our time up the mountain doing the things that kids did. One of the highlights of the year was bonfire night, anything that grew on branches we were tak...

Dale Harrison

Community work in West Belfast

Dale remembers the beginning of the Troubles. “From memory the Troubles in the Woodvale were rife. To this day some people would say that’s originally where it all started. I do remember one evening. There was a full ...

SRD Melody Flute Band 2009

Highlights of the Shankill Road Defenders 4th annual Melody Flute Band Competition, which took place at the Spectrum Centre, Shankill Road on Saturday 10th October, 2009. As well as the best of Northern Ireland's m...