General Collections highlights

My Golden Day by Dame Mary Peters

Mary recounts the day when in the 1972 Summer Olympics she won the gold medal in the women's pentathlon, having finished 4th in 1964 and 9th in 1968. To win the gold medal, she narrowly beat the local favourite, He...

Pilib O Runai

Setting up an Irish nursery

Pilib learnt some Irish at school, which was not common at the time something that was not very common at that time. He grew up with the language being spoken around him and always had an interest in it. He participat...

Shared Lives in Ballyclare

As part of a cross community initiative, older people from Ballyclare came together at the Town Hall to reminisce about their lives and times gone by and comment on how the world has changed around them. Stories ar...

An tAire, an Fáinne agus an Droichead

Bhuail an tAire Cultúir Carál Ní Chuilín le daltaí Scoil an Droichid i ndeisceart Bhéal Feirste le fáinní airgid agus óir a bhronnadh ar Rang 4 agus 7 as an dul chun cinn atá déanta acu ag foghlaim na Gaeilge. Tá Scoi...

Heritage Collections highlights

May Blood

Talking with Baroness Blood

May was born during World War Two and grew up in Roden Street, a mixed area of Belfast with her mother and sister. He family was separated due to the evacuations during the war. “For the first six years of my life I t...

Hazel McCready

Marie Breen-Smyth, Associate Dean International, University of Surrey, talks to Hazel McCready, a former part time police officer who was injured whilst driving to work. Mother of one, Hazel McCready was a teacher ...

WRDA Lecture Series – Dr. Avila Kilmurray

Talking about Madge Davison

Dr Avila Kilmurray from the Community Foundation NI spoke about Madge Davison who was a civil rights organiser for the N.I. Civil Rights Association and barrister from north Belfast. Madge was born on 13 June 1949 ...

Shankill War Memories

Residents of the Shankill area of Belfast talk to Mary Ann Quigley  about their memories of serving in the army at home and abroad. Robert Hoy talks to us about his experiences in serving in the Royal Engineers in Nor...